Spiritual journey

A Soulful exercise to help you remember

When you feel confused about your spiritual mission, just know that it’s perfectly normal during your spiritual journey.

Sometimes you just need a spark of clarity.
I remember when a few years ago I felt so overwhelmed about my options. I knew that I’m here for a reason and I need to make a positive impact on the world somehow. There was only one issue:

I was clueless about what to do and how to start.

I was stressing myself out, becoming very impatient & frustrated about what I needed to do. I felt that I was wasting my potential.

I kept hearing amazing feedback from my friends and colleagues that I was already inspiring people around me. But deep inside I knew, this wasn’t enough. I was certain that I could do so much more for humanity.

Any of this sounds familiar?

You’re not alone.

So many of us feel this strange something inside. Like we’re supposed to be doing something big & impactful but somehow we forgot what that is.

I started remembering my mission.

I was gaining better clarity over the years and now looking back, I can pinpoint exactly what helped me figure out what my soul actually wanted me to do. Here are some of the major catalysts that led me to clarity:

  • Genuine conversations with other changemakers
  • Deep internal work about defining my values
  • Understanding how my weakness (being impatient) was my biggest strength
  • Writing a list of my fears and going through them one by one
  • Reaching out to people who were more developed than me in certain areas
  • Investing in my own development, not just financially but allocating time for my learning

This list could go on, however, I wanted to share the key milestones hoping that you can also start paying more attention to yours. And as I promised you a fun and soulful exercise to help you remember your mission, here it is.

Your soulful exercise

➡️ Grab a pen & paper or open a new document on your laptop.

✅ List 10 people that you know or connected with somehow (friends, ex-colleagues, neighbours, relatives, that inspiring person you chatted with in a Facebook group, etc).

📣 Reach out to them and ask them to describe you in 2 sentences as if you were a product they’re writing a 5-star review for. I know it sounds weird but let me explain what it will help you with.

First of all, you’ll see what people notice in you as your inspiring/empowering and positive personality traits. You’ll probably be a little surprised when you’ll start seeing a pattern. What repeats the most, is the clue to your soulful mission. Our personal traits heavily reflect what we’re supposed to be doing in life.

And secondly, you’ll have a good laugh about this, what’s not to love about that? 😁

Enjoy the exercise and please share with me what you discovered. You can DM me on Instagram or TikTok any time.

By Timi Orosz

Spiritual business mentor and Founder of Connect One Marketing-soulful solutions for spiritual entrepreneurs.
Thought-challenger, positive thinker and big dreamer to make our world a better place.

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